Celebrate Again Investment

U.S.A. Destination Anniversary Collections

Investment Guide 2020-2021


Anniversary celebrations for the fun-loving Couples - all over the U.S.

Welcome! We’re so excited you’re beginning the planning of your anniversary or connection celebration with Celebrate Again.

We know it takes a large amount of boldness, bravery and intentionally to choose to invest in your marriage in a grand and beautiful way to truly Celebrate Again.

So, are you ready to experience the time of your lives, soaking in all the goodness of your favorite things? Let’s do this!

pink beach block and couple standing in an alpine lake text on the right "your relationship deserves celebration reconnection and rekindling. An experience that goes deeper than day to day life can provide"
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couple standing by waterfall, leafs on the ground, text "why celebrate?"

How you celebrate matters

So why not just go out for a nice dinner? Because we believe your marriage is worth WAY more than one or two hours out to a nice restaurant.

Don’t get us wrong here, we STRONGLY believe food is an essential part of celebration, so much so its part of our four part celebration formula!

We want to capture and document for you the moments you laugh at the inside jokes as one of you cooks your favorite meals, the moment you embrace each other after one of the most meaningful conversations you’ve had in years, that moment you laughing so hard your cheeks hurt, and that moment you’re having so much fun with your partner that you forget how old you really are, feeling like you’re 16 years old again.

These moments in life can be experienced in one day, and its this one day I want to help you fully enjoy and remember.

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couple dancing on beach and couple sitting snuggling

A little Encouragement

Welcome to Celebrate Again, where we believe our relationships just need cheerleaders on the slide lines reminding us to hold hands, write each other love notes, permission to start that pillow fight, or courage to say the beautiful things that have been on your heart for all these years.

We are your connection adventure guides.


“Your relationship cheerleader, we believe your marriage is worth so much more than telling you how to improve it but encouraging you to live it.”

Your relationship is worth it


“Emmy and Brittany with Celebrate Again, has such a gift of intentionality and thoughtfulness that I really appreciate. It sets them apart from every other photographer we have worked with and it makes me want to exclusively work with her! She captured us so well and made us feel comfortable to just be ourselves. Thank you, Emmy and Brittany!!” – Alyssa

“We recently did a Celebrate Again anniversary shoot and I can’t tell you how refreshing it was for my husband and I to work with Emmy. She truly has a passion for helping couples strip back the layers of noise and busyness and get back down to enjoying one another. Not only does she have an incredible eye for what makes a photo compositionally stunning, but she also helps you to feel like yourself in front of the camera. Her Celebrate Again anniversary package is such a sweet and unique way to date your spouse and have a true treasure to look back on. I highly recommend Emmy for her knowledge and expertise as well as her passion and desire for couples to live beautiful stories. Thanks Emmy, for making us feel celebrated!” – Riana


Emmy with Celebrate Again did such an amazing job capturing our first wedding anniversary photos! My favorite part was how she captured our moments with the beautiful Mount Evans in the backdrop. She has amazing prompts for get us talking. It was very comfortable for us to be Just Us around her. I’d highly recommend her. We will cherish these photos for years to come. – Rohit


More Than A Photographer

Hey! We’re Emmy (left) and Brittany (right) your guides and photographers behind Celebrate Again.

We believe life is meant to be lived at the fullest.

We love adventure and making sure each day is full of laughter and fun. More importantly we believe that each day should be  soaked finding the greatest joy of all: to love and be loved.

We’ve been obsessed with marriages for over a decade now and we thought our best skills were to be a wedding photographers. 2016 turned Emmy’s world upside down.

She came to the realization that marriages/relationships need more celebration.

We celebrate with one epic wedding day and then nothing.

We spend hours and hours on  learning and growing together but so little time playing, enjoying and just being together.

And that’s what we’re here to help change.

We believe life is WAY too short to not take time away to truly BE together away from away from it all.

Emmy and Brittany

It’s too easy to forget that this relationship is a privilege and a gift that needs to be celebrated.

Our greatest fear for you is to live your life feeling you didn’t live your best lives together

So, that’s why we’re here, to come along side you, guide you and encourage you to truly celebrate, again!

Our personalities are built for celebration and encouragement.

We’ve both been married for over 10 years and journeyed down the hard roads of a life long commitment.

We get how hard it is to stay connected daily and how important it is to take time away from the busyness of life to actually enjoy each other and celebrate our story.

We are so excited to help you too celebrate your journey.

text "unexpected services" photo of couple before sunrise viewing the stars in the mountain with headlamps


*Help you craft an ideal day together that reflects your love story and the journey life has taken you through. It’s a story that needs to be told.

*Give you all the best location ideas, logistics, and activity recommendations that help you have fun, intimacy and connection.

*Guiding you to you soak in the journey of your relationship, reminiscing on the good, the bad, the hard, and the sweet moments that make your story beautifully yours worth telling.

*We’ll document your day of celebration so you can share your story of your love with your future selves, family and friends.

*Giving back by helping another couple in need to celebrate again too.


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couple in forest kissing looking away

Let's Celebrate Your Story...

your love, your lives. This isn’t posed photography, this isn’t marital education. This is a real life lived out in celebration.

We want to capture and document for you the moments that take your breath away, the small and the big.

These moments in life can be experienced in one day, and its this one day we want to help you craft,  fully enjoy and remember.


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Why A Full Day Wedding Experience?

Have you ever been to band camp, an epic retreat, or powerful conference? One that has just left you changed after one day or short period of time? 

That’s exactly what Celebrate Again is except for your marriage. But instead of educational material on how to improve your marriage you’ll be spending time being together, because after all isn’t that the point? 

Together we‘ll create an unforgettable day full of fun, food, reconnection and relaxation that creates a complete experience for your marriage. It’ll leave you so full of life and love that you cannot help but come back from it a changed couple. 

A couple that is reconnected, full of joy, and ready to take on whatever life may throw your way. 

Celebrate Again is a full senses experience, er want you to celebrate with your heart, your mind, your body, your sense of smell, touch, sight, taste and sound to truly soak up one or two days that change your marriage for the better.

5+ Easy Steps

  1. Let’s chat about your ideal celebration day!

  2. Reserve your date.

  3. Let’s create your unique day.

  4. Have one of the best days of your marriage!

  5. Enjoy the beautiful memories through your photos.

  6. Giving Back: Because of your purchase we get to do this again with another couple in need!

couple in alpine lake female being lifted up by male, view of water and text "u.s. collections"


All packages include:

    • All your anniversary celebration experiences researched: All your anniversary celebration experiences researched. We’ll do all the boring researching to help you find where to go and activities to do on your anniversary celebration day. We’ll give you a list of ideas and then you’ll just be a few clicks away from booking your dream anniversary experience.
    • Your Custom “Build your own wedding day” Kit. First We’ll send you questionnaires to get to know you two, which will help us plan your trip, activities, and create an ideal relaxation time together of yoga or mediation. We’ll send you a personalized anniversary location idea list. You will also get recommendations for what actives to do, what culinary experience to plan for and all the tips, tricks and logistics to create a beautiful timeline of your anniversary celebration that is ideal for the most beautiful lighting for documenting your day, complete with time to do nothing or a nap. You’ll get everything you need to create a beautiful, fun, relaxing celebratory experience.
    • Full or half day experience including photography of an adventure, intimate home/accommodation session and/or culinary experience.
    • Reconnect session at a carefully selected location at sunrise or sunset the day of, or depending on your package before or after your celebrate again experience day.
    • All Your Photos You’ll receive a carefully curated slideshow to initially view your photos, which you can download and share worldwide with your family and friends. You’ll also receive the full high resolution, edited digital image files with access to downloading, sharing and personal printing rights. Your photos will be available in an online gallery that’s available world wide to share with all your family and friends. 
    • Our Travel is covered No matter where you end up celebrating your anniversary in the continental U.S., Alaska or Hawaii that’s accessible by standard commercial flights, and a 2WD car, there’s no extra fees – We’ll manage our own travel expenses (It just might be more if you want to take a  helicopter or private carter to a remote location. 😉

Celebrate Again Collection Options


Schedule A Call and we can chat about your needs.

Please note pricing doesn’t include your lodging, activities, or permit fees.

Are You Ready To Start Planning Your Dream Celebration?