Self Awareness Quiz

A quick self awareness quiz to help you discover how to live a life full of freedom

A quick Journey In

Discover where you are at in your journey of self-awareness and get immediate access to a FREE customized map to guide you on your journey

Begin The Self Awareness Quiz Here

Take the 2-5 min self-awareness quiz and get a personalized free journey map emailed to you. Use current feelings to answer honestly. After completing the self-awareness quiz, check your email for your results and access your free roadmap and customized journey to get started. Check spam/promo folders or add to receive the email.

Would you like to recieve a customized Self Awareness Roadmap based on your quiz results?
1. How often do you allow yourself to fully feel and process your emotions, including any pain or discomfort that arises?

2. How willing are you to seek support, guidance, or professional help when it comes to addressing unresolved pain or trauma?

3. How do you view the possibility of finding growth and empowerment through your past pain and challenges?

4. When faced with challenges or setbacks, how inclined are you to view them as valuable opportunities for personal growth?

5. How do you respond to compliments and positive feedback about your accomplishments or personal qualities?

6. How willing are you to validate and honor your own emotions, needs, and desires, without seeking external validation?

7. How often do you allow yourself to fully express your thoughts, feelings, and desires without holding back?

8. When faced with challenges or conflicts, how effectively do you communicate your needs and boundaries to others?

9. How willing are you to explore and experiment with different forms of creative expression to share your unique life experience?

10. How often do you consciously connect with your body, fully present in the present moment and aware of its sensations?

11. When you encounter moments of beauty in nature, art, or everyday life, how easily do you allow yourself to be fully immersed and present in those moments?

12. How often do you intentionally engage in practices that make you feel grounded and safety within yourself?

13. How often do you consciously recognize and embrace your power as a creator of your own reality, shaping it with intention and purpose?

14. How often do you consciously seek out beauty and inspiration in your daily life, appreciating the small moments of joy and wonder?

15. How deeply do you trust in the creative power of your thoughts, emotions, and intentions to shape your reality?

All free self awareness quiz results journey maps are hosted on Celebrate Again Yoga but can only be access via the quiz. Save your journey map and email after taking the quiz!

(Membership access is available via your Dashboard)

Unlock the Feminine Secrets

Keeping you from deep connection with yourself and the intimacy you desire.

Introducing Back Home in my Body: 5 Biggest Self-Trust-Breaking Beliefs Keeping You Disconnected & How to Stay Connected

a women’s live online workshop only on

October 30, 2024, 6:00 pm