Lumalia’s debut memoir, Blooming Upside Down, is out now!

Transformative Couples Connection Experience

The missing piece to your relationship:
a whole Body Experience

Empowering emotional and physical intimacy

Savoring it all together water and grapes meshed with tenderness and beauty of the age we’ve so wrongly accused | Oh my beloved, how I long to sip more of your crimson nectar. “How are you so dreamy?” | “I’ll keep wondering the same of you as I begin to behold where dreams and reality merge.” Tell me of your pains, beloved, for I want to hold them close, warm your aching bones. I will not heal you but I will hold you until you too see the power within to transform the pain from suffering to the stories of your voice to stretch through darkness and find it is there you’ll know the light. Hang tight and trust in the abundance of any way always being divisible by two I'm sitting out here as the sun paints it's orange and golden melodies across my yard and think is this my life? What a magical world it is if you look just right, not too tight but just soft enough to let the subtle roll in.| It will astound you if you just lean nearby | Come let’s touch the sky | And paint our worlds with its fragmented delight | I’m here ready for flight | Come my dear let’s hang tight | For I fear if I let go | You’ll disappear | Yet abundance calls me on | To rest in her arms of faith | Knowing receiving is mainly in the letting go?
couple connection experience pressing forheads together with a sun glow on them

Hi lover, I’m Lumalia, a couples connection architect at Celebrate Again.

I’m here guiding couples like yourself back to the romance they know they have but sometimes forget where it is. 

spoiler alert, it’s in you: 

a whole body, mind, heart connection. 

What is a Couples Connection Experience?

  • Simplified emotional and physical intimacy through mind-body connections: Dive deep into the world of embodiment (connecting your mind and body), somatic practices (modalities that look at the body holding memory), and mind-body work, uncovering their potent healing abilities—achievements that traditional conversations and talk therapy might take years to reach.
  • Fun & Uniting: Discover how these somatic couples connection experiences and practices aren’t just transformative; they’re also incredibly fun ways to communicate, break down barriers, and simply enjoy being together.
  • Playful Learning: Embrace embodiment… in short, our time together will be filled with playful exploration and meaningful learning. With my unique guidance, experience with couples for 15 years, and specific trainings and certifications you’ll find yourselves reconnecting and rediscovering each other in ways you never imagined possible.

Many believe that healing in relationships comes from endless discussions, pushing harder, and doing more.

I'm here to guide you towards reconnection

I’m here empowering healing that allows you to tap into the wisdom already 

residing within you.



About Moi

lumalia near an apline lake in a blue dress and hat

I asked him, do you want to have this life with me?

I’d been deeply dreaming, feeling, reading passionate poetry, watching a lifetime of rom-coms, hell, I even made a damn career out of romanticizing relationships as a couple and wedding photographer for 15 years.

And my body knew.

My body knew so deeply it could feel madly, wildly crazy passion on a daily basis. It could feel so adored and cherished that if the sun could come out and warm my skin and feel like I was alive, so could I with my partner.

We could hold hands and act like children skipping down the Oregon sand dunes.

We could run naked into the freezing Pacific and spend the rest of the evening warming each other back up.

We could build incredible things together with our creativity, passion, and love for making this life ridiculously stunning.

So I asked my husband of 10 years, do you want to do this with me?

And he said, “That sounds nice, but more as friends. So, no, not married.”

It was then that I realized I needed to divorce him.

Ok, wait, hold the phone, Lumalia. Are you telling me this divorce story on a couples connection landing page? Yes. Hang with me.
He said no because he was too terrified of being fully loved in the way I was finally opening myself up to live a ridiculously incredible life.

Yes, with chores still, and householding, and arguments and children, god, they are a lot sometimes, but we love them, don’t we? Right?

My husband of 10 years said no. So I finally said goodbye. And, god, I’m going to be wildly honest with you: I met my current husband the very next day.

And he and I have been saying yes to each other through it allllllllll

Do we have arguments? Yes. Do we sometimes not understand each other? Yes. Do we have a blended family with very intense moments sometimes that make us question everything? Yes. But the most important thing we have that I chose is a stunning life together.

Each day, we ask each other to marry each other as we slip our rings on.

We linger in the kitchen on our work-from-home life coffee breaks extra long for hugs and kisses.

We run into each other’s arms often.

We’ve skipped down the Oregon sand dunes.

And wandered nude in too many forests.

We got married barefoot in one.

And we’re only three years in. It’s not easy, but it’s stunning.

So why share all this with you?

Because somewhere in you, you want the same. You enjoy a stunning, breathtaking, wholesome, passionate relationship with your partner. You want to feel connected, adored, cherished, celebrated, witnessed, powerful, and full of undescribable peace with someone.

And I’m here to tell you, it’s not just in knowing information but more about giving permission to experiencing each other.

He said no because he was too terrified of being fully loved in the way I was finally opening myself up to live a ridiculously incredible life.

Yes, with chores still, and householding, and arguments and children, god, they are a lot sometimes, but we love them, don’t we? Right?

My husband of 10 years said no. So I finally said goodbye. And, god, I’m going to be wildly honest with you: I met my current husband the very next day.

And he and I have been saying yes to each other through it allllllllll

Do we have arguments? Yes. Do we sometimes not understand each other? Yes. Do we have a blended family with very intense moments sometimes that make us question everything? Yes. But the most important thing we have that I chose is a stunning life together.

Each day, we ask each other to marry each other as we slip our rings on.

We linger in the kitchen on our work-from-home life coffee breaks extra long for hugs and kisses.

We run into each other’s arms often.

We’ve skipped down the Oregon sand dunes.

And wandered nude in too many forests.

We got married barefoot in one.

And we’re only three years in. It’s not easy, but it’s stunning.

So why share all this with you?

Because somewhere in you, you want the same. You enjoy a stunning, breathtaking, wholesome, passionate relationship with your partner. You want to feel connected, adored, cherished, celebrated, witnessed, powerful, and full of undescribable peace with someone.

And I’m here to tell you, it’s not just in knowing information but more about giving permission to experiencing each other.

Hello lovely, I’m first an artist, a great explorer, and a curious creator of all the beautiful things of what it means to be alive.

I’ve been working with couples for 15 years now.

Even when I was only working as a photographer with couples, I had couples telling me the time we spent together was some of

the most beautiful times they’d had together in a while. 

This is why I knew this work was important. I kept falling in love with 

how to go deeper.

I’m a certified 200-hour yoga teacher with the  Yoga Alliance and a certified Kindred Meditation teacher.

I’ve studied alongside Dr. Chelsea Page on intimacy, Jesh De Rox, a cultural anthropologist in human behaviors and somatic meditation, and Amy Rachelle, an intuitive energy healer, and licensed therapist.

I’m deeply steeped in somatic work, neuroscience, and personal development.

You can read a bit more about my journey here.

Darling, it's going to be incredible


Certified Facilitator

As Seen On

Is this Couples Connection Experience
for You?

Do you want to feel reconnected to yourself and your partner?

Are you seeking a passionsate  relationship with your current long-term partner?

Are you unfulfilled by talk therapy, seeking faster results?

Do you desire a deep connection but  unsure where to start?

Are you curious about the subconscious mind-body connection?

Do you desire to be seen and understood more deeply by your partner?

Are you seeking greater appreciation  from your partner?

Is your busy  lifestyle making regular connections challenging?

Are you wanting more fun and play  in your relationship?

Couples Connection Experience Program Details

The Reconnection Goodies

Coming again Fall 2024

(click on each section to read more)

Dive into six weeks of transformative modules covering everything from Emotional Intimacy and Communication Skills to Physical Connection, Values Alignment, Conflict Resolution, and Joy Creation. It’s a full spectrum journey to deepen your bond.

Join us weekly for live classes on Zoom where we’ll explore, share, and grow together. With Q&A sessions and a chance to hear from other couples, community vibes are a guarantee. Plus, replays for when life happens.

Based on everyone’s timezones we’ll find the best time for as many people as possible. Lumalia is based in Pacific Time.

Embark on weekly creative adventures, designed for both solo and duo exploration. From date nights to creative writing and beyond, infuse your daily life with the essence of our class teachings.

Opt for a couples photography session to capture the essence of your journey. As your guide and photographer, I’m ready to travel and celebrate your love, marking the end of this chapter or an anniversary in style. See my galleries here. Email me to add this on.

What's in the 6 Week Connection Modules

First, you’ll be given a pumpkin carriage...

and then I will arrive in a beautiful glittering ball gown with your household mice…just kidding…while I do love the archetype of the magician, I’m here as your guide.

Each week we’ll be tapping into these subjects. 


Do you desire more emotional intimacy and connection with your partner beyond the surface details? 

We’ll be diving into mind-body exercises and experiences that help you discover the connections you crave.


Do you sometimes misunderstand each other and feel exhausted in your communication?

We’ll be adopting new mind-body communication techniques for simpler expressions.


Do you desire a passion that lights up your whole body?

We’ll be stacking on creative experiences that evoke the heart of your connection beyond just the physical.


Do you want to have greater ease in conflicts? 

We’ll be sharing in mind-body exercises and practices that will help you cultivate a deeper sense of compassion and openness as you become active listeners and compassionate to yourself and your partner’s experiences, creating healthy conflict resolution skills. 


Do you desire a deeper level of joy and experiences together that you haven’t been able to find outside of vacations together?

This whole experience and this week will guide you into discovering new emotional depth. Yes, you’ll probably cry together in a way maybe you never have before; it’s beautiful and celebrated here; we love emotions; they are just indicator lights. 😉 (So many couples experience this, and it’s marvelous to witness)


Are you ready to step into the future together with your shared values shared goals?

Explore how to align on goals and life desires, supporting each other fully even if they don’t always match up perfectly, giving space to grow together in unique ways.

Why Couples Connection Experience?

Experiences change us.

This is why my couple’s connection work is a whole-body experience. They hit our subconscious, hit our whole bodies, hit our pasts and our futures.

Experiences land us in our bones.

It’s why I’m a poet first and a guide second. I go first into these wonders learning all the hacks and bring them to you brimming hot off my experience plate. 

So, what about you?
Are you ready to say yes?

  • Yes to the love you so sincerely wish to experience.
  • Yes to the one you know; this is why you choose them in the first place.
  • You weren’t foolish and young once upon a time; you were full of passion.

it’s time you remembered you can have romance every day



Ready to feel connected in ways you cannot imagine?

The Investment

join the waitlist for Fall 2024

Join the waitlist receive a free 30-day relationship challenge while you wait!

$150 of this serving as your sign-up
fee—directly deducted from the total cost, not added on.
Paymenet plans and one scholarship is available.

Couples Connection: Toe Dip

15 Spaces Available
  • All the live classes
  • Weekly creative exercises
  • Replays only available during 6 week gathering

Couples Connection: Easy Breezy

10 Spaces Available
  • All the live classes
  • Weekly creative exercises
  • Replays and creative exercies available for 6 months after the program ends.
  • Bonus 6 month access to Celebrate Again Membership including live classes with Your Body As Poetry, self growth roadmaps, and library of 100+ pieces of self development and self care content. ($330 value)

Couples Connection:
I like it Lavish

5 Spaces Available
  • All the live classes
  • Weekly creative exercises
  • Replays and creative exercies available for 12 months after the program ends.
  • Bonus One 1:1 integration post 6 week program with Lumalia to help integrate back into regular day life. (Must be used within 4 weeks of program.) ($250 value)
  • Bonus 12 month access to Celebrate Again Membership including live classes with Your Body As Poetry, self growth roadmaps, and library of 100+ pieces of self development and self care content. ($660 value)
  • Bonus 20% off anniversary photography session with Lumalia. (Used within two years  travel fees not included.)



To keep our group size managable for live zoom classes we have limited our capacity to 30 couples.

Save your spot by paying your deposit now. (Upgrades to the other tiers available after registering!)

  • A $150 non-refundable deposit is required upon sign-up to secure your spot. This amount will be credited towards your total investment.
  • Following the initial deposit you pay the rest of your tier package or set up a payment plan.

Enrollment Closes: April 7th at midnight PT. Don’t miss out; secure your spot before we close the doors.

Program Run Dates: April 15th to May 20th. Get ready for a journey of discovery and transformation.

Sliding Scale & Sponsorships: For those needing financial assistance, please reach out to Lumalia directly for support options.

Ready to dig deeper and rediscover each other?

Samples Anyone?

because that’s the best part of getting ice cream, and I want this to feel like dessssert.

Ready to give it a spin? Try out my 1.5 hour workshops recorded from when I hosted a couples connection experience on valentines day for $20.


Sex is a mind-body connection. 




It is anything where we set an intention and pair our mind with our body.

However, we’ll be embarking on a unique journey of discovering harmony between the mind and body, as opposed to the common notion of controlling our body with our mind. Instead of the usual “mind over matter” approach, we’ll learn to listen to our bodies as we connect with our mind, following sensations and visuals rather than forcing them.

Yes, in some ways, but not in the traditional sense. Our program invites mind-body connections without the cultural baggage that yoga might carry for some. We prefer to think of our activities as exercises rather than yoga, even though I am a yoga teacher. This gives you the power to shape your own experience.

However, if you have a fondness for yoga, in the bonus Celebrate Again Membership there’s an entire library of videos I’ve created over the years for you to enjoy. These are also beginner-friendly, ensuring everyone can participate and benefit.

I get you. Sitting still can feel boring. Honestly, I didn’t like meditation until I learned one of the modalities I’ll be sharing with you called Kindred, which pairs movement with visualizations and guided meditation. It invites movement on your terms and is the most fun meditation I’ve ever done. And, well, everyone I’ve taught for the past three years. People say things like I didn’t know this could be so fun, and my cheeks hurt so much, and how good it feels to share without words… wait, I bet it’s going to rock your world like it did mine.

We often think of yoga or meditation and breathe work. And those things come with a lot of weight and meaning depending on who you are and your background. While we will use concepts from these areas, the experiences you’ll be going on will first involve your imagination and invite your body into the whole experience. 

  • Just think that traditional talk therapy costs $200 per hour; it would take six months of  just talk therapy to get where we are going in just 6 weeks, which would cost $4800. That is a $3912 savings. You’re welcome.

I believe that if you commit to showing up to the classes and doing the creative experiences with open hearts, you will wonder why I charged you so little. 😉 However, I’m all about investments feeling so good, so I’m offering that by week 3, if you and your partner have both shown up for all the live classes with an open heart, fully participated in the creative exercises, and are not seeing any improvements in your relationship I honestly want you to save every single penny and get traditional couples therapy, so I’m making this fully refundable by week three or April 7th.

If you are experiencing any forms of physical or emotional abuse from your partner, I strongly advise you to reach out to the domestic violence hotline 1-800-799-7233 and know that there is support for you, which is, unfortunately, not this program. 

If you and your partner are on the brink of a divorce, cannot communicate at all together, or are in a lot of solid verbal disputes, I do encourage the support of a talk therapist before entering into this program. 

Lumalia is not a licensed clinician. Although she is a certified yoga and meditation teacher, it is advised that you seek professional release and care to participate in any of these activities if you have a specific diagnosis. 

This program is not meant to treat or diagnose anyone.

Let's Create A Garden of Growth

We’re cultivating a garden of growth:  a wild place inside of you two that is full of the most delicious fruits. Soon you’ll find your hands sticky, your mouths watering, and your bellies so full and satisfied in yourselves and each other. I cannot wait for you to experience this. 

With all my heart,


Unlock the Feminine Secrets

Keeping you from deep connection with yourself and the intimacy you desire.

Introducing Back Home in my Body: 5 Biggest Self-Trust-Breaking Beliefs Keeping You Disconnected & How to Stay Connected

a women’s live online workshop only on

October 30, 2024, 6:00 pm