Your Body As Poetry
Women's 1:1 Mind- Body Coaching that meets your goddess divine
Reconnect through the deep mind-body connection, finding your inner wisdom for a beautiful life within a 1:1 somatic work and creative life prompts.
- Welcome Gardner of Delights
- Welcome Gardner of Delights
Ready to rediscover your inner beauty and strength and cultivate a deep connection with your body and self? 🤩
✨You’re invited to three month coaching container and creative vortex, where empowerment and permission reign supreme. ✨
Guided by Lumalia’s expertise as a somatic yoga and movement meditation instructor, creative, and author, you’ll embark on a fun journey of self-discovery and healing in live 1:1 support with fun and easy to do next steps.
💌Join now to unlock your path to a more beautiful life, and secure a $222 monthly rate as you take the first step towards inner transformation.
Your Body As Poetry Includes

Guided Somatic Yoga & Movement Meditations
Bi weekly live calls with Lumalia that will use somatic movement meditations and yogic princples to help you connect your body's beauty, leaving you feel empowered, feeling whole and vibrant while you effortless rewrite subconcious programing, limited beliefs, and releasing patterns that have you stuck.
P.S. All calls will be recorded so you can return back to the meditations/exerciess in between sessions.

Journal Writing Prompts
Questions and experiences to open you up to explore your own inner world that will also improve your mental health.
Writing prompts are poetic in theme. However you do not have to be a claimed writer to enjoy them.

Life Prompt Experiences
With each session we'll explore an experience you'll give yourself that invites you into engaging with life it's self. The experiences are created to evoke play and curiousity into your daily life brining supportive action into your life that creates real change.

Virtual Photoshoot
The last session will include a virtual photoshoot which will include Lumalia's guidance to show you how to set up your phone and coaching guide to celebrate the journey you've gone on with a self love portrait session.
Your Body As Poetry
Three Months of bi-weekly video or voice calls with Lumalia for three consecutive months with practice, guidance, or explorations for you to go on.($1800 Value)
Eight 1:1 meditation or yoga classes created and recorded just for you in live calls ($600 Value)
Year-long access to the Celebrate Again Self-Care membership. ($1056 Value)
Session Nine will include an hour-long virtual photography session with your smartphone, selecting five photos of your choice to be creatively edited by Lumalia. ($600 Value)
5% off any future retreats, photography experiences, or specialty classes.
Who is this for?
Women/Femme's Looking to Deepen Your Mind-Body Connection?
Discover how to harness your body’s innate wisdom for healing and growth. Through somatic movement, you’ll align your intentions with your body’s sensations to fulfill your deepest desires in our work together.
Seeking a Space to Express Yourself Freely?
Our time together is a sanctuary for self-expression beyond words. It’s designed to foster a space of deep witnessing, helping you navigate and release old habits and patterns in a supportive environment.
Love Self Growth But Bored with Most Modalities?
Experience Lumalia’s unique blend of somatic movements and life prompts will make reprograming your subconcious really enjoyable. It’s perfect for those who thrive on dancing, wild life journeys, but maybe get bored in traditional yoga or meditation classes, don't have the time to go on their next healing trip to Costa Rica, or don't want to go deep into traditional plant medicine journies.
Raves from Past Somatic Work with Lumalia
- “That felt next level. “
- “I feel powerful in a way I don’t understand.”
- “I feel healed like completely all the pain taking away and it’s hard to believe but it’s gone.”
- “My body feels happy.”
- “It felt so powerful to be witnessed in this way. “
- “It felt good and very playful.”
- “My cheeks hurt from smiling so much.”
- “I could feel the choice I made. It felt really warm to be in the imagination…”
- “It was so beautiful not to have to explain with words with just my body and energy.”
- “I don’t always have the easiest time expressing how I’m really feeling…it was really nice to just not with words but movement to then feel seen and received but not have to exhaust myself verbally.”
- “Being witnessed can be a challenge for me so it felt nice to have the safety in it.”
- “I feel like the smile doesn’t want to leave.”
- “It’s nice not to have to talk.”
- “It felt so good to be in our bodies in a group.”
Read more about Lumalia here.
Hello, love; I’m Lumalia, photographer, somatic movement guide, poet, author, artist, and mother gathering all the best resources to help you remember you are more than the trauma stored in your body;
It’s time to make space to remember how POWERFUL you are!
you are a celestial being made of stardust and the same DNA as the flowers you fall in love with every spring. You are the poet; you are the goddess dive, yes for every day, you are a lover, you are a queen, a king, you are a mother of all you love, you are a wisdom keeper, you are a truth teller,
you are
already shinning!
What to Expect

When & Where are Calls?
Live calls are hosted on Zoom or virtual voice calls, per your preference. (You’ll be emailed a link before class starts.)
Calls are agreed upon based on Lumalia’s current availability (M-R from 10am -2pm PT, With limited 5 PT slot.)
If you are local to Portland you’d be welcome to also join in person classes included check out our Somatic Movement Classes in Portland for current dates/times
What topics will be covered?
We’ll begin with our first call being a discovery call that will help you explore what areas of your life you want to grow into. Along with taking Lumalia’s Self Awareness Quiz we’ll get some insights into where you want to explore. Some past areas have been.
- Lessoning PTSD and depression experiences
- Learning to listen to your body’s symptoms.
- Healing your Inner Critic and self-talk
- Healing People Pleasing
- Building Confidence
- Creating space for more love
- Falling in love with life
- Gaining confidence in your feminine sexuality
Mind-Body Somatic Healing that is Effective
Often, coaching is done from a mind-information-based place. Yet we know that the body holds so many stories, wisdom, and possibilities for creation.
We often live inside a program we were handed down by our inhertance (cultural, familial, societal), and what we continue to surround ourselves with, until we choose another way.
Our body holds the key to help us choose another way by releasing the stories and moving into creation.
The best part is you’re not doing it alone. Lumalia will show you how to build your own inner team and will hold space in your live calls to deeply witness you.
Mental Health Improvement
It’s not surprise that when you begin a new container you will be increading your mental health.
Every single piece of this experience will address mental health issues by including somatic healing work, journaling prompts, nervous system regulation, and experiences that will invite you into play which is proven to relieve so many mental health issues. *
*Please seek professional care as needed. This is not a repalcement for therapy or seeking professional care.
Deeping Self Care
Let me tell you a secert: self-care is self-love, darling, so you bet that every time you come to a call, take a class in the Self Care Membership, and dive into the prompt, you’ll be diving deep into beautiful self love that will guide you to a more confident loving you!
What are life prompt expereinces?
Imagine the daily writing prompts as a game of Truth, and the daily experiences as a Dare. But instead of pranks, they’re beautiful explorations that will ignite your sense of wonder and play.
Really, think of it as me inviting you to come play on the playground when you’ve been sitting watching everyone else play for so long.
Come take my hand, darling; I promise lots of fun! 😉
What if I've never meditated or done yoga
Wanna hear a dirty secret? I used to really dislike both…that is, until I started practicing the modality I’ll be sharing with you. It’s so fun!
Also, I teach all my classes for beginners and season practitioners alike.
If it hurts, don’t do it. If it is stretching, you embrace it because it is beautiful growth.
I cannot wait for you to begin!
How much time do I need for the prompts and live classes?
Live calls will be 1 hour, and prompts can be as short as 5 minutes to plan out a whole day’s adventure for yourself with my guidance, of course!
Womens gathering?
Yes, if you identify as a woman or non binary you are welcome. This space is going to create healing for women/womb holders/those resonating with female embodiment.
Lumalia has many other offeerings that are not inclusive please check out The Journey In or her couples connection experience
Apply To your Body As Poetry
Lumalia is currently accepting new clients. Please complete the form and expect a reply with in 48 hours. Please save Lumalia’s email to not miss her response!
Want to read more from Lumalia? Check out her blog posts on these subjects.
Find more self-discovery topics here:
- Lumalia’s memoir Blooming Upside Down: A Memoir of Healing from the Incurable
- Self Care
- Siren Archetype
- Back Home in my Body Workshop
- 30 Day Self-Care Challenge
- Self Awareness Quiz
- Healing the Sister Wound & Sisterhood Wound
- Feeling Lost in Life
- How to Feel Your Feelings
- Women’s Retreat Oregon and Wellness Experiences in Portland, Oregon
- Self Love Retreat with Flower Therapy and Rose Baths
- Self-Love in Relationships & Why It’s Important
- Living Life To the Fullest
- How I Cured My Autoimmune Disease and Learned to Cope with Chronic Illness
- 200+ Self Love Quotes
- The Journey In
- Is it a Sin to Explore Your Body? Empowering Female Sexuality
- Best Self Improvement Books
- Your Body As Poetry
- Goodbye Good Girl: Healing your inner child
- How to Stop Your Inner Critic
- Tree of Life Mythology and Mind Body Connection
- Eye Candy of the Northern Lights in Oregon
- Wellness Retreats in Oregon 2024
- Healing Trip: Self Discovery Retreat