Lumalia’s debut memoir, Blooming Upside Down, is out now!

You are a stunning piece of creation who naturally has sexual desires, so it is not a sin to explore your own body. But why do you feel so guilty doing it all the time? We’ll be diving into all of this and where to even begin if you’ve never felt the freedom to explore your own body and especially empowering female sexuality, since I’m speaking from personal experience here, as a female. 

mountain view with feet kicked up on a ledge empowering female sexuality

Hello, beautiful soul; my name is Lumalia, a connection architect here at Celebrate Again, empowering individuals on a journey back home to themselves, free from the stories engrained in us and able to access the divine wisdom each human has. My story first began in my own wild journey which you can read in my memoir Blooming Upside Down.

Masturbation (self-pleasure) has long been controversial and often shrouded in secrecy and shame. Many of us grew up believing self-pleasure was taboo, something we couldn’t or shouldn’t do. But it’s time to debunk those myths and uncover the truth about self-exploration and self-love.

Read the article, but come back to watch this talk as I go into more aspects of the importance of exploring your own body.

Is Touching Yourself a Sin?

hand touching face softly in black and white photo exploring your own body it is not a sin to explore, empowering sexuality

One common question arises: “Is touching yourself a sin?” The short answer is no. Masturbation is not a sin; it’s a natural exploration of our bodies to understand what feels good and what doesn’t. It’s time to stop letting others dictate what feels suitable for you and start listening to your own body.

If you live in a world where others have to tell you what feels good and doesn’t feel good to your body, you give away the very thing you have for yourself; that is your voice. 

But take heart, my dear friend, you are not alone. Many of us, including myself, were taught from a young age that we cannot speak up for what happens to our own bodies, let alone how we want someone else to treat them. It is the 21st century, and it’s time we put an end to letting anyone else tell us what we do and do not like.

Discover more inside my 30-day’s self care challenge drenched with righteous acts of pleasure.

Breaking the Silence: Empowering Female Sexuality

hands reaching to sky near a waterfall with feminine movement exploring sexuality

For women, the journey of self-pleasure has often been marred by societal expectations. We’ve been told that our pleasure should only come from our partners and that we must figure it out together. But this places an undue burden on our partners to decipher our desires and preferences.

I grew up with this mindset that I wasn’t allowed to explore my own body, but it was a “sacred treasure” for me and my future husband to one day discover together. We could discover our bodies inside the “safety” of marriage. 

The massive problem with this is that no human is ever a safe human 100% of the time. We are programmed to protect ourselves. And no matter how good someone is, they still have an ego operating to keep them alive. Sometimes stronger egos and programs, no matter how intentional someone is, can still function in a way that is hurtful to someone else or particularly to how someone else lived their lives.

naked toes in water it is not a sin to explore your own body empowering female sexuality

We must learn how to pleasure ourselves before understanding how we want to be satisfied by others. Of course, we can know more about our pleasure in relationships. We can be brought deeper into it in relationships. But we must understand our wants and needs before adding anyone else’s.

It’s time to break the silence and reclaim ownership of our bodies, especially as wombholders. Exploring and understanding our desires is crucial in building healthy relationships and self-awareness.

Begin your journey back home with my 30 day self care challenge that will include lots of delicious play!

Self Pleasure Empowers Safe & Healthy Communication

couple speaking to each other in ear to have safe connection with light bursting the background of a mountainscape

Exploring your own body goes beyond the act of sexual connection. It’s about learning how to communicate your desires and boundaries effectively. By understanding what you want and don’t want, you create a safe space within yourself to voice your experiences.

In any relationship, the ability to say, “This is what I want” and “This is what I don’t want” is essential. It’s not solely your partner’s responsibility to decipher your desires; you must be able to communicate them.

couple leaning on each other as light burts around them

So many partners get frustrated by one another not being able to communicate their needs. For many of us, it was because we were never taught that our needs could be met, let alone how to share them without getting an adverse reaction from someone else. So we’ve been trained to bury them deep within us and pretend everything is okay and what others want is really what we want, too. 

The end to living in that form of slavery begins with understanding your own beautiful body. And it’s accessible to you right now.

Read more about the importance of self love in relationships 

Exploring Your Body Builds Self-Trust

finger touching sun symbolizing the importance of self touch and the importance of exploring your own body to empower your sexuality

Trusting your own body is a crucial aspect of self-pleasure. When you explore your body, you teach it to respond to your desires and communicate its needs. This builds trust within yourself, which is essential in self-pleasure and all aspects of your life.

Your body communicates through sensations and feelings, often through symptoms. It’s time to give those sensations a voice, to say “yes” or “no” to what you’re experiencing. Your body’s wisdom has been waiting for you to listen and discover.

Learn the 5 Most Common Reasons You Might Feel Disconnected from Your Body and Life in my free live workshop Back Home in My Body on October 30 only. 

Learn more about how your body communicates with you reading how I cured myself of autoimmune diseases.

Self Pleasure Empowers Resilience 

female in front of a mountain with hand going through hair discovering sexuality empowers her resilience

Engaging in self-pleasure is more than just seeking pleasure; it’s about building resilience. It’s about learning to reach for what you want, hold onto it, and ultimately achieve it. This foundation of self-trust is crucial for pursuing your dreams and goals.

By practicing self-pleasure, you teach yourself that you can have pleasure and that it’s your birthright. You can hold the tension, wait for it, and eventually experience it. This foundation of self-trust empowers you in all aspects of life.

Ready to live life to reach your desires? Check out this blog post on living life to the fullest and why it’s important you give yourself magnificent experiences. Then join my upcoming live only workshop: Back Home in my Body on the reasons you may be disconnected from your desires. 

light bursting through trees

No matter where you are, please know that exploring your own body is not a sin; it’s an act of self-love and empowerment. It’s about breaking free from societal stigmas and building trust within yourself. By embarking on this journey, you can enhance your relationships, communicate your desires effectively, and, most importantly, build a profound connection with your own body.

It’s time, my darling, to remember your right as a human is to know pleasure, feel safe in your own body, communicate and receive your needs in healthy, safe relationships, and learn how to trust that your body is always speaking the truth.

Want a good place to begin? Start with my 30 days of self-care that will make you wet!

Back Home in My Body

Free Live Online Event Workshop Only on October 30

"self trust mindsets keeping you disconnected" a workshop on how to reconnect with yourself when you feel lost image of a woman walking away on a path inside a laptop and phone

The 5 Biggest Common Beliefs Keeping You Disconnected 

(And How to Break Free)

Do you feel a need for deeper connection, understanding, presence, and intimacy with yourself and those closest to you?

In this workshop, you’ll discover the five key areas where you may have:

  • Believed you or your partner needed fixing 
  • Gained new information but wasn’t sure how to connect to your body and integrate.
  • Not been able to access the freedom you so deeply desire.

This is your unique opportunity to learn & practice how to:

  1. Gain integration exercises with practical tools to stay connected to yourself and your beloveds.
  2. Feel cherished and worthy of creating the life you desire.
  3. Connect with your body’s true self
  4. Build confidence and self-trust with emotional resilience 

A Women’s Empowering 90-minute Zoom Workshop on:

October 30, 2024, at 6:00 pm PT

Share these affirmations tag me @celebrateagain or save them for later!


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About the Author

Lumalia standing near a coastline with her hair blowing in the wind

Hey, I’m Lumalia, the main voice behind Celebrate Again. I call myself a connection architect because I have a deep passion for guiding us all to fall back in love with life through states of beauty, but many of us are far from feeling at home in our own bodies, so we seek to find safety in others. 

Yikes, that’s scary, I know; I did that for three decades, too, until I returned home to myself.

I’m so excited to share with you all I’ve learned and this beautiful journey back home to what makes you absolutely stunning just because you are alive today.


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Unlock the Feminine Secrets

Keeping you from deep connection with yourself and the intimacy you desire.

Introducing Back Home in my Body: 5 Biggest Self-Trust-Breaking Beliefs Keeping You Disconnected & How to Stay Connected

a women’s live online workshop only on

October 30, 2024, 6:00 pm