This is the medicine of The Siren archetype. When was the last time you truly felt alive, truly felt like everything you desired was happening in your life? The Siren reminds you that you are what you attract, that your desires are holy, and that sometimes, to know what we want in life truly, we have to use our voice to call it and go face the subconscious underworld, the dark, the scary, the shadows, the depths.
We see the connection of The Siren in our own biology when we look at the throat and pelvic bowl connection, the womb connection for femmes. When the jaw is tight, the pelvic muscles are usually tight. When the throat chakra is closed, the sacral chakra (located in the pelvic bowl) is usually also closed. But when we feel we can speak our truth, speak our desires into the world, and have them created, we feel this deep opening. If you look even at the autonomy of the throat and pelvic bowl, you’ll see how similar their structures even are. It’s wild to see that The ancient Siren Archetype shows us this connection: we must call in with our voice, speak it out loud, and allure desire into the depths of our being to bring in.

Hi, Darling. I’m Lumalia, author, beauty hunter, somatic wellness practitioner, and photographer here at Celebrate Again. I’m on a mission through creative wellness experiences to create an abundant garden for humans to explore and play in that allows them to awaken to their true selves and come back home out of the ways our current world has told them they had to be and subsequently causing so much deep suffering.
Here at Celebrate Again, you’ll find self-discovery resources to support you on your journey. Some are free, but the depths of my offerings lie inside my books, my Self Care Membership, or in-person experiences with me. You can find my first memoir here: Blooming Upside Down if you’d like to hear more about my personal story of returning home, through the depths, like the siren archetype to my true desires.
What and Who is the Siren Woman Archetype & what does the Siren Archetype mean?
A siren woman archetype is a woman who knows what her true heart desires and is in a relationship with the depths of her own subconscious mind. The conscious logical mind programmed by society and upbringing does not rule the personality of the siren, but the desire of the deeper inner self does. She is a rare creature that lives on land (the conscious mind, the logical mind) and also underwater (the subconscious mind).

In psychology, the siren archetype holds the metaphor that to know our true heart desires; we must do the work to look to our deep subconscious programs and truths. When we understand where the root of our desires come from, the desires implanted upon us, like pleasing our parents as children and fitting in with societal norms, we become free to know our true soul desires.
The siren woman is the kind of woman who knows what she really desires, calls it in, and knows that it requires going deep. The siren is not afraid of the depths of life; she does not live only on the surface but can also survive underwater (in the depths of the soul, the subconscious). She is actually divine feminine energy.
Ready to dive deep into the mastery of the Siren Archetype? Try out my pay what you can Siren Masterclass.

Siren Woman in Folklore and the Siren in Mythology
The Siren woman, in folklore and the siren in mythology, is often portrayed as a dangerous and enchanting female figure who lures unsuspecting sailors to their doom with her mesmerizing song.
Originating from Greek mythology, Sirens are traditionally depicted as half-bird, later half-fish, half-woman creatures who inhabit rocky coastlines, singing irresistible melodies that drive men to madness or death. Their voices promise knowledge, pleasure, and secrets of the world (similar to the story of the snake in the Garden of Eden), but those who succumb to their call in old mythology only destroy. Over time, the image of the Siren evolved. In later folklore, the Siren became more closely associated with mermaids—beautiful, seductive women with fish-like tails who still embodied the peril of the deep sea and the dangers of unbridled desire.
In folklore, the siren embodies the dual nature of attraction and danger, serving as a powerful symbol of temptation. Her stories were used as a controlling tactic to warn against the perils of giving in to one’s most seductive but destructive impulses; however, we know better now what these meanings hold.

She represents a liminal figure, existing between land and sea, life and death, safety and danger, making her a potent symbol of the unknown, which, as we know in modern discoveries, is where actual creation happens for us as humans. In the unknown is where all great inventions and discoveries first begin.
Across various cultures, the Siren has come to personify the alluring but perilous feminine force that captivates and consumes, reflecting deeper fears about the uncontrollable aspects of nature, desire, and the human psyche. This can be shown in the Greek story of The Odyssey, where Odysseus refuses to put beeswax in his ears but instead demands his crew tie him up. When the siren came, she promised him all the desires he could ever want.
In Latin American Folklore, there is another story of La Sirena de la Amazonía, a water spirit who lives in the lakes and rivers and lures sailors into her waters. She’s known as a protector of the water but also a dangerous temptress known to lure fishermen into her waters and kill them.
Learn the sirens true power in this masterclass that’s finally healing the archetype of the Siren.

Sadly, these stories have amplified the fear of the feminine in history, which is why, in this article, I will help debunk this myth that most “men” have been afraid of a woman in her true desires and powers or the role of the divine feminine we all have in us regardless of gender.
The story of the siren has definitely reinforced modern patriarchy’s suppression of women and feminine energy, saying that following desires means death and destruction. But it is the death of the ego, not the death of the human; it’s the death of systems passed down to us that threaten the modern systems that have oppressed humans for far too many centuries.
It’s time for the return of the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and I believe the true siren story holds the key to this: the reclaiming of her mythology.

The 5 Siren Archetypes & Siren Characteristics
The Siren possesses the characteristics of magnetism, tempters, beauty, wise intuition, and danger. When we break all these down, you’ll see how she can reflect back for us a deep lesson that desires, in fact, have the power to set deep internal oppression free.
Siren 1 Archetype: Magnetism
Magnetism: the siren is deeply alluring; she is known for her “siren” song to allure historical men or sailers into her underworld, where they would disappear as they were last known. To truly reach for what we desire, we must become magnets ourselves and know that we are what we attract. But more importantly, we should use our voices to speak our desires out loud, to be so in love with our own song, what we are calling in, that it draws what we desire in and invites others to do the same.
Ready to practice this yourself? Try out my pay what you can Siren Masterclass.
Siren 2 Archetype: Temptress
Temptress: As The Siren would tempt men into her underworld, she would draw them deep into their subconscious desires. It was always the men who were not firm in what they wanted who were ultimately called in. The tempest is often feared in many societies because she asks that you look at your human desires, which have been profoundly shamed historically. (Find more on empowering your sexuality: is masturbation a sin here)Siren 3 Archetype: Beauty
Beauty: The Sirens were known to be really beautiful not only in their song but their voice. Beauty naturally attracts our attention. Beauty is often shamed because it draws attention, but beauty is just energy. Even a flower looked at from the wrong angle could be deemed as ugly, and I think that’s an important thing to look at when looking at beauty (more on that in my book Blooming Upside Down and the chapter Cover Girl)Siren 4 Archetype: Wise Intuitive
Wise Intuition: The Siren calls you deep into the subconscious world. While most stories show the demise of the human, who’s truly to say that calling into a new world isn’t what the person truly wants? Is that dark, maybe, but often in our lives, we face many “ego deaths” to find what we truly desire, and this is the true message of The Siren.
Siren 5 Archetype: Dangerous
Danger: The Siren calls you into what society views as danger. To go into your emotions in most cultures is viewed as wrong, as bad; to go deep into your anger and see what is at the root of it, often it’s grief. Grief is just love without a place to go. Yet, we’re told anger is a bad emotion to have because of what humans have done with the emotion instead of being given the freedom to explore it safely in childhood and have a better relationship with it as adults. With The Siren archetype, we get an invitation to face the once-labeled “dark parts” of ourselves to discover how we can truly love and support them. Once we face these “dark parts,” we often find what we truly want with our lives.

Siren Archetype Examples & Siren Celebrity Examples

Joan D’Arc: A Siren
Joan D’Arc: the TEENAGE GIRL THAT SAVED FRANCE. This woman was a SIREN. She boldly presents herself as a 13-year-old girl before armies, before the king, to say I’M HERE TO SAVE FRANCE. And she did. If we want to talk about anyone being a Siren, it’s her.
Madonna: A Siren
Madonna is another Siren celebrity example. She is the woman who literally created sexual expression freedom for other female celebrities. She was the one to push the boundaries, who came from nothing, and pulled every string to make sure she became the icon she is today. She is the pure symbol of the magnetic siren.

Anaïs Nin: A Siren
Anaïs Nin is a beautiful siren example. Anaïs Nin stopped at nothing to constantly “go into the shadows” to find the truest parts of herself.
I also loved this line from Henry Miller once said about her, “I love you so much I’m getting tongue-tied.“ with her radical story of having two husbands who didn’t know the other existed and how, at the end of her life, they both met each other and agreed “half of Anaïs was better than none.” Talk about a siren!
Marilyn Monroe: A celebrity Siren Example
Marilyn Monroe is a ridiculous, famous siren known for her glittering glow wherever she went. Still, she tempted many people into being the symbol of sex, which at her time was extraordinarily scandalous. Still, she owned it, saying she would “rather be remembered for sex than for nothing.” Marilyn literally came from the “underworld” or extreme poverty, with her growing up in foster care and abuse and becoming a literal star.

You love Marilyn Monroe because you want to be her, come practice and learn how inside my Pay What you Can Siren Masterclass.

Brittany Spears: A Siren
Brittany Spears is my generation’s modern Siren. With her alluring and catchy songs, she symbolizes desires and temptation. She symbolizes deep power and is an excellent example of how we have viewed her as dangerous. So many horrific things have happened to her in her life because of the power that threatened those around her. (Another reason why we really need to rethink our fear the divine feminine, the siren, and her power is that she just is inviting us into places in us we’ve been told have been “bad.”)
Maya Angelou: A Celebrity Siren Example
Maya Angelou was known for her famous speeches, her ability to say the things she was deeply feeling, and her ability not to worry about offending people; she taught that “people will never forget how you make them feel.” This is sincerely the siren’s message to get you to feel it. And that you attract what you are. If you don’t deeply desire something yourself, no one else will; everything you want needs to give you chill-level desires. She also profoundly taught about self-value in a way that The Siren calls you to see your desires as important enough to go to the “dangerous” depths with “Don’t waste your time when you’re treated as an option.“ Maya says.

Taylor Swift: A Celeberty Siren
Taylor Swift is a recent Siren celebrity example because she really does have the tempest, sweet seaming afront. Still, she does invite with her very catchy melodies to go into the heart’s desires. Come learn more about the siren’s truth inside my pay-what-you-can Siren Masterclass that will give you deep discovery into your sacred Swifty superpowers. Yes, in the workshop there is a Taylor themed playlist, because I got you, babe.

Are Siren’s Known as Gods?
Some have asked if sirens are known as any gods. Sirens are not associated with any mythological deities. However, a connection could be made between the siren and Aphrodite/Venus. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, love, and desire, shares The Sirens’ ability to allure and captivate with the roots of desire and passion. Aphrodite doesn’t kill like the Sirens’ are known to. She is more known for the power of seduction and manipulation. However, both share the themes of temptation and passion.
how to embody the siren archetype?
The siren calls you to look at your true desires by facing your shadows. To embody the siren archetype, you must be willing to:- dive into the deep subconscious waters
- and learn what your own desires are
- versus what programmed desires you have been handed down through your ancestry, childhood, or society.
Embody the Siren
Ready to dive deeper with The Siren? In this 90-minute master class, we’ll spend thirty minutes learning about the message of The Siren and then take it into embodiment practices with a Siren-themed yoga flow and somatic movement meditation to embody the lessons of the Siren truly. Snag this unique Pay What You Can Siren Masterclass and somatic emobodiment workshopPrefer in person expeceriences? Check out my siren photoshoot archetype women’s retreat I did on the Oregon Coast to see how we embodied the archetype of the siren, and join the waitlist for our next one!
Find more self-discovery topics here:
- Lumalia’s memoir Blooming Upside Down: A Memoir of Healing from the Incurable
- Self Care
- Siren Archetype
- Back Home in my Body Workshop
- 30 Day Self-Care Challenge
- Self Awareness Quiz
- Feeling Lost in Life
- How to Feel Your Feelings
- Women’s Retreat Oregon and Wellness Experiences in Portland, Oregon
- Self Love Retreat with Flower Therapy and Rose Baths
- Self-Love in Relationships & Why It’s Important
- Living Life To the Fullest
- How I Cured My Autoimmune Disease and Learned to Cope with Chronic Illness
- 200+ Self Love Quotes
- The Journey In
- Is it a Sin to Explore Your Body? Empowering Female Sexuality
- Best Self Improvement Books
- Your Body As Poetry
- Goodbye Good Girl: Healing your inner child
- How to Stop Your Inner Critic
- Tree of Life Mythology and Mind Body Connection
- Eye Candy of the Northern Lights in Oregon
- Wellness Retreats in Oregon 2024
- Healing Trip: Self Discovery Retreat