Lumalia’s debut memoir, Blooming Upside Down, is out now!

The Monastery Campsite

It has been such an amazing experience to live in Colorado and have such easy access to some of the most beautiful places in the world. But not only that I have meet some great people to go climb with. I remember always complaining to Josh that I could never find people committed to climbing a lot when I lived in ABQ. But I have to admit working weekends made it impossible in NM because all the places to climb are a good hour plus drive away which left only weekend climbs.  But having the Rockies right in your backyard, 30 mintues away, you can climb with people right when they get off work!
I was so excited when I had a weekend off and was able to join some awesome people on a climbing trip! We headed up to Loveland to go to an area called The Monastery. The drive to Loveland wasn’t too bad, about 45 minutes. It was when we hit the back dirt road that I got a little worried.

I had to drive up in my little VW bug, Leroy, because I couldn’t stay for the post climb camping. When me and my little Leroy saw the roads we had to go up we kinda freaked a little. These were steep grades maybe 20%? Haha I don’t know if that is exactly it I’m terrible at perception. Let’s just say if you had to walk it it’d get you out of breath REAL fast . Also there were tight switch backs. Then on top of the steep grade and tight turns the road wasn’t paved and had a lot of pot holes, which a low to the ground vehicle like mine was not made to handly. Thankfully my dadd-o has taught me how to drive in these conditions so I was able to handle it. 😉 (I had to skip the low gear thing because the turns were so tight I couldn’t handle shifting, turning sharply, and dodging pot holes…I’m not that awesome. haha.)

After a good 30-40 minutes we made it up to the top, and MAN was it worth it!!!! I could have just sat up there all day standing in amazement of how  great our God must be to have thought out and made such a magnificent view! Let me just show you… 😉

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer

I love how the aspen trees sparkle in the sunlight!

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


The Aspen trees were starting to turn….mmm so pretty!!

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views Asepn Trees} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


Even the weeds are pretty up there!!! HAHA!

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views | Asepn Trees} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer

Leroy was such a trouper!! Made it all the way to the top…of course with much complaining, but he did it!! 😉

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer

One of the guys I went with, Mark, borrowed my camera and took these two. 🙂 I was using his. 😉

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer

Michelle getting wood for the campfire. I wish I could have stayed for that part!

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Views} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer

Come back tomorrow, more photos of the actual climbing area!


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About the Author

Lumalia standing near a coastline with her hair blowing in the wind

Hey, I’m Lumalia, the main voice behind Celebrate Again. I call myself a connection architect because I have a deep passion for guiding us all to fall back in love with life through states of beauty, but many of us are far from feeling at home in our own bodies, so we seek to find safety in others. 

Yikes, that’s scary, I know; I did that for three decades, too, until I returned home to myself.

I’m so excited to share with you all I’ve learned and this beautiful journey back home to what makes you absolutely stunning just because you are alive today.


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