Lumalia’s debut memoir, Blooming Upside Down, is out now!

The Monastery Rock Climbing Adventure

Man was the Monastery a gorgeous place, especially the camping site…which if you missed it yesterday go check out the view!
The hike to the climb KICKED MY BUTT!!!! It was 45 minutes of  scrabbling up the steep areas and skidding down the negative grades. Thankfully there was some spots where it was flat with AMAZING views (again see the post before about this.)

The actual climb was fun. With the amount of people we had to the amount of rope we had we all only got a few climbs in. The rock is SUPER different than the areas outside of Denver. It is like a dried sandstone, super sharp and ridged. Most of the holds are crimpers. I think I got one or two jugs in on the easier climbs. It was all very balancey though, which I love! (haha don’t you love my climbing lingo, my auto spell check sure doesn’t!)

While I was out there I felt like I took a lot of photos, but I wish I did more. I seem to struggle between wanting to take pictures and to get on the rock. This time I think I favored climbing over photographing because I didn’t get any shots of two other people with us! But I did get this shot of this random guy: haha

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer

The back-lighting was just too much to pass up.


Ya, these are all mostly silly. Especially this first one:

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


And this one of Mark being a super model camera guy haha.

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer

Michelle at the beginning of a fun climb!

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


The only photo Jay is in! haha. I just need to go out for longer periods and be intentional about getting action shots!

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


Mark snapped these last few ones. This lead climb took me FOREVER…I need to climb more…I still fear lead climbing.

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


Upclose crop of the above photo…to show you the crimpage….new word! Look at those ligaments bulging in my right hand! haha

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


And my belayer…oh gosh I’m terrible at names, I think his name was Nate! I just met him on this trip.

The Monastery Climbing Adventure {The Climb} | Denver Photographer | Colorado Destination Wedding Photographer


I decided that I’d totally do the drive up again to the camp site, but not sure about the hike to the climb area…maybe if I got SUPER in shape haha.

Overall it was such a fun trip!  Thanks guys!! 🙂


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About the Author

Lumalia standing near a coastline with her hair blowing in the wind

Hey, I’m Lumalia, the main voice behind Celebrate Again. I call myself a connection architect because I have a deep passion for guiding us all to fall back in love with life through states of beauty, but many of us are far from feeling at home in our own bodies, so we seek to find safety in others. 

Yikes, that’s scary, I know; I did that for three decades, too, until I returned home to myself.

I’m so excited to share with you all I’ve learned and this beautiful journey back home to what makes you absolutely stunning just because you are alive today.


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