80 years of life, of joy, of laughter, of tears, of trials, of sunshine.
Hire us for your anniversary photography session and discover what to do for your anniversary

I was so honored to photograph some of my childhood mentors Jim and Sally when I was recently in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
They’ve been married for over 50 years! Yet they still laugh, joke and throughly enjoy each others company. I think we have a lot to learn from our elders, right!?
Jim and Sally hadn’t had their photos take together since they were married. So its as with great delight that I was able to capture their love with photography after all those years.
I pray and hope that these photos are a great blessing to them and their future legacies.

Want to see more? Check out their slideswhow below.
(Click on the arrow in the top right corner to view in full screen. Don’t forget to update the quality by selecting 1080 from the setting icon!)