Romantic things to do for your wife can be a challenging task to figure out, especially if you have to figure out what to buy her, but what if you didn’t have to head down the buying path to find a way to surprise your wife with a little extra amount of romance. What if it was super simple? I got you, friend, I’m going to share my favorite ways on how to make your wife feel special or how to rekindle the romance with your wife.
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Hey, I’m Lumalia, one of the couples connection experience makers here at Celebrate Again, where we believe that regularly connecting as couples can be as simple as saying I love you often or as grand as planning an epic anniversary trip together. Having been married myself now for over a decade and hearing my own husband struggle as he wonders how to romance me as his wife, I wanted to create a resource for you to help you know how to romance your wife and how to be romantic with your wife.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if your wife knew exactly what she wanted and told you? What if a wife gave you a list of 100 simple nice things to do for your wife? Well, guess what, wife here, telling you exactly 100 romantic things to do for your wife:
But first the truth of why she may not be feeling romantic in the first place.
When we desire to be romantic with our partners, we desire intimacy, which can not be cultivated with a random bouquet of flowers. It’s learning how to be in tune with your own emotions and finding or remembering your connections together. It’s getting curious to fall in love every day; looking at each other as if you are new every day, which you are.
For deeper support, check out my couples connection intimacy workshop I held last Valentine’s Day. If you really want to wow your wife with romance and connection, she’ll say yes to this, and you may discover something beautiful here.
1. Leave Her Love Letters Randomly

One of the sweetest things to do for your wife even if you’re not a poet or even a writer is to write her a letter. If you’re not a writer find writers with sayings that resonate with you. Share the quote by itself or write down why you wanted to share that quote with them. Here are some nice things to say to your wife to get you started:
Want to step it up a level? Try my free 30-day romantic relationship challenge PDF to amp up your romance that have helped over 1000+ couples!
Romantic things to say to your wife using a poet's help
- “Promise to stay wild with me. We’ll seek and return and stay to find beauty and the extraordinary in all the spaces we can claim. We’ll know how to live. How to breathe magic into the mundane.” ~ Victoria Erickson
- “Love her but leave her wild.” ~ Atticus (find his book here)
- “A sky full of stars and he was staring at her.” ~
- Atticus (find his book here)
- “You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known — and even that is an understatement.” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head… but I’ll tell you a secret… all of the best people are.” ~Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carrol
- “Live life as if there were no second chances.” ~About Time
- “I want to know you moved and breathed in the same world with me.” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “We were together. I forget the rest” ~ Walt Whitman

Pro Tip Check out our list of 150 Romantic Love Quotes to help get you started! Or Check out our guide on how to write a love letter for help!
2. Surprise her with flowers, often.

This may seem cliche and overdone, but I have yet to meet a wife who didn’t adore fresh flowers being given to her as a romantic thing to do for your wife on her birthday or anyway.
How to surprise your wife with flowers? Leave them on the kitchen table one morning for her to find them or have them delivered to her work with a secret love note from you. (You may just get bonus man/partner points for her coworkers seeing you sent her flowers…just sayin’. 😉 )
Pro Tip: If you have a local farmers market in your area, skip out of bed early one morning to get her fresh flowers and maybe a yummy treat.
Spark your romance
Download Our Free 30 Day Relationship Challenge Here
Ready to connect every singe day for a month with your beloved in one simple step?
Fill out the form below to download our free 30 day relationship challenge guide book.

We respect your privacy. If you don’t see your download immediately after signing please check your spam/promotional folders or email us .
Fall in love with your partner again, and connect in this unique experience now available for replay.
Join me, Lumalia, for a couples connection experience on Valentine’s Day watch NOW on replay!
Our In-person tickets sold out so you know you don’t want to miss the replay!
What if you could connect with your partner in as little as 30 minutes?
Hey! I’m Lumalia and I’m a couple’s connection architect.

3. Dance with her, anywhere and everywhere

Want more ideas? Try these romantic ideas for your wife:
- Make a playlist you can randomly turn on while one or both of you cook together that you feel like you can dance to. Do the dancing you can do, just crazy wild dancing or twirl her around like the queen you know she is.
- Take the same playlist and throw it on while you’re folding laundry, maybe for her?
- Drive someplace with a romantic spot to park, turn off the car but keep the headlamps on. Turn on that playlist and dance under the stars.
Find even more ideas and support inside my free 30-day relationship rekindling challenge pdf
4. Joke Together

5. Plan a sweet surprise picnic
Planning surprises can be so exciting for your wife. If you put some thought into what some of her favorite things are it really can go such a long way. If you aren’t sure go follow her on social media and see what she’s liking or saving places. Or just simply start asking her what her recent favorite things are.
You’ll be surprised how joyfully she may start sharing with you that you’re asking about her favorite books, flowers, foods, colors, etc.
The more curious you get even if you’ve been together a long time the more playfulness you’re going to bring into your relationship. I promise it will be worth it.

How to plan a surprise picnic for your wife
- Leave a note of where to go, and what to wear (bonus if you buy her a new dress/outfit she’s saved online or her Pinterest board – a great romantic gesture for your wife!)
- Make a picnic dinner or order her favorite takeout.
- Get a blanket (we love this one from Etsy, you could have your vows printed out on it!), some pillows and maybe some flowers and some portable twinkle lights or electric candles.
- Set up an adorable picnic for you both!
Live in Portland or Denver?
- Here is a google map of our favorite romantic picnic spots outside of Denver, Colorado.
- Here is a google map of our favorite romantic spots outside of Portland, Oregon:
Pro Tip: Please practice Leave No Trace Principles when visiting these areas. Take your trash with you, follow the park rules, pay for parking and respect these areas to stay public and beautiful for everyone to enjoy.
AND *Surprise PRESENT IDEA* consider buying your wife/partner a Kula cloth (a pee cloth) for when she has to pee on hikes or more remote picnics! As a woman, having this Kula cloth in my purse has an absoulte gamer changer.
6. Practice Meditation, Yoga, or Breathing Exercises With Her

Do you have your own meditation/yoga/breathwork practice? What if you invited her to join you some time or started a romantic practice together?
Here are some quick exercises to try together. They are intimate so make sure to communicate your desire to try something new with her verse going straight for home runs right after. 😉
Couples Breath Exercises:
- Place your hand on your heart & hers. Have her do the same. Then close your eyes to see how quickly your breath starts to sync up.
- Sit back to back and just take some slow deep breaths.
Couples Yoga Exercises:
- Do tree poses side by side with each other as support.
- Sitting back to back doing your seated twists, letting the gentle pressure of your own twist help your partner deepen theirs. Notice your breath here. Switch to the other side.
Couples Meditation Exercies:
- Sitting face to face holding hands both close your eyes and imagine the most epic day together. Get really detailed in your imagination. Letting anything become possible. Then open your eyes and share what you saw/envisioned.
- Go back in your imagination to the first time you saw each other. Notice what you feel in your body or what details come back up. Share what you discovered.
Want to dive deeper into more connections like this? Check out my couples experience connection work or try out my 90 minute intimacy workshop today together.
Peronsally, my husband and I love to do yoga together and even some simple breath work. It’s a great way to connect emotionally and regulate our nervous systems together.
Come join with your partner my 30 day self care challenge where you can practice yoga and meditation together! Let’s making caring for ourselves also important to do with our partners!
7. Text/call your wife just because.

Call just to check in to see how they are doing? Or send one of these silly texts
- Miss your face
- What can I do to make your day/night easier? Really, I want to help you (and be willing to follow up!)
- No matter how you’re feeling today, know that I’m always on your team, we’re in this together babe!
- So proud of you for ____
- I love spending time with you
- Thinking about you and it’s making me smile
- Just wanted to hit pause today and tell you how much I love being your partner
- I hear kissing burns 6.4 calories per minute. Wanna burn some tonight?
- If you could be any veggie I’d say you’re definitely a cute-cumber.
8. Write an “I love you because” list

- You could write it in small letters that you leave her one a day for 10 days. (Not sure where to start, check out my How to write a love letter post here.)
- Or you could write it on one piece of paper that you can then later frame for her.
- Alternatively, you could write one day every day on the bathroom mirror with dry erase markers.
Romance Her Every Day
Part of romancing your wife is not just doing beautiful things occasionally but connecting with her emotionally every day.
Want some support on what to do every day, with step-by-step instructions and a calendar to check it all off?
Ready to connect every singe day for a month with your beloved in one simple step?
Fill out the form below to download our free 30-day relationship challenge guidebook.
In the book, you’ll receive:
- FREE calendar
- CHALLENGES: 30 days of easy-to-follow connecting challenges
- BONUS: along with 30 extra ideas to level it up if you’re a go-getter
- DATES: four unique date ideas to wow your partner.

Be one of the 1000+ couples this ebook has helped reconnect!
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9. Give your wife a massage
Know your own strength and keep asking how things feel. But just in case you’re feeling a little intimidated, try these tips for a good massage.
Massage Tips:
Adjust your pressure as needed.
Use a lubricant: We love having coconut oil around just for this. It’s a clean, inexpensive oil option. Or if your wife is allergic to coconut, consider some avocado oil (you won’t need to use much, it goes a long way!). Or grab her favorite lotion she has around.
If you do use coconut, you can warm it up on the stove or microwave for 15-30 seconds and add some essential oils such as lavender to help her relax.
Communicate that this doesn’t have to lead to intimacy, but if you both want it to, it can. Try to approach this without any expectation other than giving the gift of touch.
10. Discover your love language

If you already know it, use this to give a unique gift to your partner based on their love language.
Not sure what yours is? Take a quick test online here
Here are some ideas based on each love language:
- Touch or Quality Time: Spend time cuddling on the couch looking through old photos together
- Words of Affirmation: Write her a letter about how proud you are of what she’s done in your relationship or how she’s impacted your life. Don’t overthink it, just put pen to paper and start writing.
- Gifts: Buy them a gift that matches what they love. It could be as simple as a treat, drink or a gift card to pamper her.
- Acts of Service: surprise her by taking care of a chore that ordinarily she does, like cooking dinner, folding the laundry or putting the kids to bed so she can take a long bath.
Even better ASK YOUR WIFE how she wants to be loved. I bet she’ll make you a pretty list.
I wrote a poem about this once, and it was fun.
Maybe you should both write a list of ways you want to be shown love.
11. Learn to Celebrate Her
Sometimes the most romantic things you can do for your wife is because you deeply know:
- how to celebrate her
- what makes her smile
- what lights her up full of joy
- makes her feel so deeply loved and seen
If you don’t know the answer to these questions it’s time to:
- Date your wife/partner again. Pretend you don’t know her at all, get curious with her, ask her gentle questions when you have down time together (make down time together, hire baby sitters, leave the house, go for walks, etc.) (Check out my fun date ideas for ideas!)
- Give her space to discover who she is again. Encourage her to take time for her own self care and self discovery. I host a 30 day self care challenge that you can offer to even do together!
Especially if you are parents, or really busy people it’s easy to take the person you love deeply and also live with for granted. We are very habitutal as humans. It’s a great gift to wake up in the morning and remember how to walk, eat solid food and do basic things in life.
However, we cannot become habititual in how we love our partners. We then begin to treat them like they are our morning coffee, our solid food, or basic necessities and romance dies when it becomes so programed.
It’s time my dear, to start getting curious about your partner, to celebrate who they are today and each day as they wake up a different person each and every day.
As much as we can push against change, it is counter to our very nature has humans not to change. So celebrate all the ways they are becoming someone and give space for them to do this, especially if you are parenting small children.
Be gentle with yourself and them. Life is messy, beautiful and amazing all at once.
I’m here cheering you on!
13. Be Silly And Innovative
One of the biggest struggles for most couples is feeling like they are stuck being the same people and experiencing the same thing together.
Dating was so much fun because you were trying new things, didn’t know one another and then you mix all feel good chemicals with that and voila here you are so many years later, together.
So what’s the truly most romantic thing you can for our wife? Let her keep being someone new. Keep getting to know her, keep offering to try new things together, and don’t be afraid to try on a little bit of silliness together. I have a whole list of fun silly date ideas to get you started!
And if you’d like to make a challenge of it check out my 30 day relationship challenge!
Punch Disconnect in the Gut meet Her Every Day
I get it, as a wife and mother myself, I know how hard it is to connect with your partner every single day. Life is wildly busy, but let me tell you a secert.
The wilder and more creative you get with your wife/partner, the more you’ll invite her/them to explore safely with you.
Often, in relationships, one of us doesn’t want to take the lead in connection, but when you do (which is why you’re reading this blog post so far to go!), something beautiful starts to happen.
If you’re ready to get support connecting download my free ebook that is a 30 day relationship challenge reset.
Connect for 30 days and see what happens when you both build new habits and get intentional!
Get started today!👇
Download Our Free 30 Day Relationship Challenge Here

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14. Plan a romantic day together or romantic surprise for her

Have you wanted to have the whole day planned out for you where you both got to go on a crazy adventure together and have the time of your life, but didn’t have to figure out the logistics of it all?
Or have you seen romantic photos of couples and KNEW your wife would love to do something like that? Well, friend, you’re in for a treat because this is what we DO: craft connecting connection experiences for couples, helping them Celebrate Again!
Learn more about how I guide couples like you into a deeper longer-term connection while also helping them plan an epic getaway with our couples connection experiences.
Fall in love with your partner again, and connect in this unique experience now available for replay.
Join me, Lumalia, for a couples connection experience on Valentine’s Day watch NOW on replay!
Our In-person tickets sold out so you know you don’t want to miss the replay!
More Romantic Things To Do For Your Wife Including date night ideas to reconnect
- Learn about the Real Reason you Feel Disconnected Plus watch this short video about 3 quick ways to reconnect
- Learn about the importance of self-love in relationships.
- We love pillow talk questions for married couples, so we teamed up with couples therapists to give you this idea list! This is a great place to start to get romantic ideas for wife in bedroom!
- Need some fun date ideas? We’ve got you covered with these romantic date ideas for wife!
- Build a rhythm in your lives that helps you have a deep intimate connections on a regular base with my couple experiences and couples connection architecture work! (Its really as good as it sounds, promise!)
- Or ready to start planning your next trip? Check out our Best Anniversary Trip Ideas!
Want to connect for 30 days with a simple tasks each day?
Download Our 30 Day Relationship Challenge Here

Ready to connect every singe day with your beloved in one simple step?
Fill out the form below to download our free 30 day relationship challenge guide book.
We respect your privacy. If you don’t see your download immediately after signing please check your spam/promotional folders or email us .
75 More Romantic Things To Do with Your Wife
Romantic things to do for your wife at home
- Cook her favorite meal and set a romantic table.
- Create a home spa day for her, with massages and relaxation.
- Plan a movie night with her favorite films.
- Start a garden together.
- Make a photo album of your favorite memories together.
- Have a stargazing night, complete with blankets and hot cocoa.
- Create a playlist of songs that remind you of her.
- Make a jar of notes, each expressing something you love about her.
- Have a candlelit dinner under the stars in your backyard.
- Write and hide little love notes around the house for her to find.
- Create a scrapbook of your journey together.
- Have a tech-free day to just focus on each other.
- Have a game night with her favorite board or card games.
- Create a home cinema experience with her favorite snacks.
- Bake something together.
- Have a cozy indoor picnic.
- Make a DIY project for your home together.
- Build a fort in your living room and watch movies.
- Have a paint night at home.
- Explore a new hobby together.
- Have a nostalgic night with old photos and memories.
Cheap Romantic things to do for your wife on a budget
- Watch the sunrise or sunset together in a scenic spot.
- Plan a themed dinner night based on her favorite cuisine.
- Go for a hike in a beautiful nature spot. If you’re playful couple ask her on a hike date by gifting her a Pee Cloth (Kula cloth is my favorite woman owned company that sells pee cloths).
- Volunteer together at a cause she cares about.
- Plan a day of her favorite activities, no matter how simple.
- Take a scenic drive with no particular destination.
- Go fruit picking in a local orchard.
- Attend a couples’ yoga or meditation class, or for a deep dive check out my couple experiences.
- Have a water balloon fight on a hot day.
- Go to a local farmer’s market and cook a meal with the ingredients you pick up.
- Go on a romantic bike ride through a scenic area.
- Spend a day exploring a nearby town or city.
- Visit a local festival or fair.
- Plan a day of surprise activities, keeping each one a secret until you arrive.
- Go for a moonlit walk.
- Plan a “staycation” in your own city.
- Visit a local nursery and choose plants or flowers to take home.
- Do a random act of kindness together.
- Go on a guided tour in your own city.
Romantic things to do for your wife to make her feel special
- Organize a surprise weekend getaway, check out my anniversary trip ideas for inspiration.
- Arrange a surprise date at the place you first met.
- Recreate your first date.
- Surprise her with tickets to a show or concert she’s been wanting to see.
- Visit a botanical garden and enjoy the beauty of nature.
- Plan a surprise party with her friends and family.
- Spend an evening reminiscing and talking about your future dreams.
- Go to a fancy high tea at a local hotel.
- Plan a treasure hunt with little gifts and notes.
- Visit an art exhibit or museum together.
- Share your dreams and aspirations during a quiet night in.
- Take a hot air balloon ride together.
- Visit a winery or brewery for a tasting tour.
- Go horseback riding in a scenic area.
- Write a future letter to each other to open in several years.
- Visit a historic site or landmark.
- Go to an amusement park and act like kids for a day.
- Take her on a surprise shopping spree.
- Spend a day at a spa.
- Plan a weekend of camping or glamping.
- Visit a local observatory.
Romatic physical things to do together
- Try my Couples Intimacy Connection Workshop
- Take a dance class together.
- Take a pottery or art class together.
- Enjoy a day at the beach, complete with a sunset walk.
- Take a cooking class together.
- Go on a double date with close friends.
- Plan a romantic road trip. Check out my best anniversary trip ideas for inspiration.
- Create a garden or a special plant project together.
- Enjoy a night of stargazing and identifying constellations.
- Have a couples’ workout session.
- Go on a boat ride or a ferry trip.
Spark your romance
Download Our Free 30 Day Relationship Challenge Here
Ready to connect every singe day for a month with your beloved in one simple step?
Fill out the form below to download our free 30 day relationship challenge guide book.

We respect your privacy. If you don’t see your download immediately after signing please check your spam/promotional folders or email us .
Fall in love with your partner again, and connect in this unique experience now available for replay.
Join me, Lumalia, for a couples intamcy workshop and connection experience, watch NOW on replay!
Our In-person tickets sold out so you know you don’t want to miss the replay!
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17 Responses
Such fantastic ideas for romantic things to do for your wife!! I need to share with my husband. Really love all the creative energy you put into this. Well done!!
Great tips for romantic things to do for your wife or everyone, beautiful images!
What wonderful romantic things to do ideas! Thank you Emmy. Finding ways to honor our partners and stay connected over the years is so near and dear to my heart. It’s always nice to get a quick reminder of all the simple ways we can make our loved one feel seen and appreciated. Love these!
You’re so welcome! I’m so glad that you found these romantic things to do ideas so helpful!
Oh my gosh, these are all such super sweet gestures to have a partner to have romantic things do! What a wholesome post to read 🙂
Totally sending this to my husband! This is so cute and such a great list of romantic ideas to keep the romance alive!
Yes! I hope you find it beneficial!
These are such sweet little romantic tips! I’m always down for a massage!
Um, sending this to my mans right now lol!! Such sweet romantic things to do ideas!
Yay! So glad to hear that you’re sending this to your partner!
Super sweet!!
Love this so much! The romantic things to do with your wife ideas are so awesome and great shots to go along with it.
Thank you! Glad you found this romantic idea list helpful!
According to the comments, I’m the only man searching for this kind of stuff. I have a really good marriage, we are beat friends. But, since her father passed away she’s just not excited about much.
When I was married in 1978 my grandfather gave me this advice. Do something special for your wife everyday. It can make her feel special or to help her with the housework or simply a short note of how great she is. It has been almost 44 years and I have not missed a day. Guys I have the most attentive and caring wife and the most amazing lover in the world.
Thank you so much for sharing this, this is very beautiful advice!