You want to write a love letter but you’re wondering how to write a love letter to him or her. Here are 5 simple steps to writing passionate love letters to him anyone can compose.
When’s the last time you wrote a heartfelt passionate love letter to your wife or partner? If you’re anything like me, you’ll know that keeping the “spark” alive takes work, but maybe not as much as you think.
What if you could have a relationship like the ones you’ve read about or watched in the great love stories of literature and film, that deep passion for each other that keeps flowing? Here are 5 easy steps to help you keep that spark alive and live your true life romance by writing love letters.
What if I told you writing a love letter was WAY easier than you ever imagined, and what if it could seriously spark a new wave for your relationship?
As a couples connection architect and anniversary photographer, I get to work with couples in love all the time which is why I’m crazy passionate about the help couples stay connected regularly especially when someone’s not there telling you to cuddle and kiss often. So, I’ve gathered 5 easy steps to help you get started–yes, even for those of you who think you have absolutely nothing to say!
Step One: Make A Plan To Write A Love Letter Regularly | How To Write Love Letter

Step Two: Find inspiration for your letters
Consider why you love them, what you’re most proud of them for, how do they make you feel… Not a writer? No problem, we love finding quotes from inspirational writers and sending them as love letters. I’ve already gathered 150 romantic love quotes for you here. Or you can always rely on the Romantic Nicholas Sparks Quotes from his novels to get you started. Start with describing why you wanted to share that particular quote, what it made you think about concerning your beloved, what it made you feel about them. The greatest gift of poetry is to get us to start thinking and truly feeling. Let those feelings overflow to your beloved.
You can also check out my self love quotes and adapt any to write them to your love.
Step Three: Handwrite Your Letter

I get it. Sending a text or email is WAY easier. But, how much more romantic is it to get an actual handwritten letter you can KEEP and look back on, maybe on those days when your affections for each other feel harder to tap into.
Step Four: Make A Home For Your Letters

Step Five: Make It Fun For Yourself

Make it fun for yourself! Grab some gel pens–I see you older millennials, those things were great (well, when they worked). Add some colors or silly drawings! You could even grab some scratch and sniff stickers because WHY NOT?! Get some nice paper to write on just for these love letters. Or keep an extra napkin from your date nights and write on those to remember all your fun times together. You could even head back to the days of high school and master the art of origami!
Don’t stop there! Let your creative juices flow and let us know how you’ve started to master the art of writing love letters!
Excited yet?! I’ve got my gel pens ready. I am racking my brain for my old-school paper folding hacks (but totally searching Pinterest) and starting to write letters to my beloved. I wonder if he’ll be surprised?
Ready to get connected again with your beloved in a grand way? I’m crazy passionate about helping couples craft epic anniversary photography experiences and would love to help you learn what to do for your anniversary.
Fall in love with your partner again, and connect in this unique experience we’re bringing Online and in Portland, Oregon.
Join me, Lumalia, for a couples connection experience on Valentine’s Day 2024!
In-person tickets will sell out, so snag your spot before they do!
Looking for more ways to stay connected? Check out these blog posts!
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What if you could connect with your partner in as little as 30 minutes?
Hey! I’m Lumalia and I’m a couple’s connection architect.

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P.S. My Team and I are also Oregon elopement photographers, Colorado elopement photographers or anniversary photographers!
Celebrating your anniversary soon? Learn more about what to do for your anniversary!
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