When Colette asked if we could do engagement photos on a snowy day, I was SOOOO excited. I am such a snow-bunny myself and love shooting in the snow. Though I rarely find people willing to go outside when its below freezing to take photos. So, you can image how truly exhilarated I was at this idea. When snow was forecasted we hit the ground running for their winter engagement photos! I kept praying all week that the forecast would hold. I do greatly praise God that we did get snow and it was just the right amount to take photos! Not to much so we couldn’t get to the location, but just enough that everything was beautifully dusted!
Colette and Matt really enjoy Golden, so we went there for the photos. I went a few days before the session to scope out the area and was feeling a bit iffy about it. While it was a beautiful area I knew it wouldn’t photograph well because there were too many distractions. I kept on walking around and found this historic area that had old buildings and was absolutely perfect for the style Colette and Matt are having for their wedding. It hadn’t snowed when I first scoped the area out, but when I pulled up to the same area after a light dusting I was enthralled!

I started a new shooting style, in how I pose people, and am so excited that I can now capture a lot more candid moments like this.

This is Colette’s impression of how Matt smiles, haha. I’m thankful we got a handful of genuine smiles out of him, most of which are due to his beloved being in his arms. 😉

Sometimes its fun to do a bad-a** photo. Lol.

I hadn’t meet Matt before the session, but after spending the time shooting him and Colette I’ve discovered he is such a gentleman! The way they both treated each other just made me so excited to capture their love.
At one point I had Matt and Colette walk towards me, and Matt lifted Colette’s hand to kiss it. I just loved it so I had him do it again. Colette shared that he does this all the time and I find that so lovely. The simple affections different couples have are so beautiful to me, and having them come out on camera just make my heart warm.

Love this winter engagement photo!

If foliage is around you bet I’ll use it, haha. 😉

I do have to admit I wish there were mounds of snow on this tree, but I do love that there is a little and how well they look against it!
Matt & Colette have two puppies, Charlie & Pappy (correct me if I’ve spelt that wrong!). They are super sweet pups and Pappy LOVES to snuggle. We had to move their car closer when we first met up. I ended up the back seat with this guy snuggling on my lap haha. So sweet!

Oh, and I cannot forget to mention how absolutely stunning Colette’s ring is!

I cannot wait for Matt and Colette’s wedding day for all the amazing things they have planned and just to see their authentic love for each other come out on the day the commit themselves to each other forever. Mmm, I am so blessed to be a part of this.