Lumalia’s debut memoir, Blooming Upside Down, is out now!

To the woman on her paddleboard, that feels like Moana woman riding her paddle boardin a lake feeling like moana

Why Do I Feel Like Moana Paddleboarding?

You feel like Moana because something in you resonates with her empowerment, the matriarchy coming alive in her, and her deep love for her life’s calling and mission despite ignoring the rules.

Why You Feel like Moana: a Poem

The best people in history were honestly the ones who challenged the rules because they knew that a brighter future was the result of that challenge. 

I wrote this poem inspired by a few women saying this while paddleboarding this summer. Find more of my books here.

You, if you want to dive into more self-discovery, check out my self awareness quiz, complete with a roadmap for growth!

Feel like Moana Written Poem

To the woman on her paddleboard, that feels like Moana

Sing like everyone and no one’s is watching 

Puff your chest out like you are saving your people

Because you are 

With every inch of your body remembering your kingdoms

your calling

your purpose 

this lifetime

and for many

You are not succumbed to all historical terrors in this moment

This is your biology, remembering 

You are a warrior

Stand upright

on your little boat

on your throne

Let her remember

Every ounce of your skin

And especially your heart 

that says 


This is what it’s like to be free

In my power  

Self Paced Personal Connection

Self Awareness Roadmaps:

– All Free

Customized roadmaps that include self-improvement lessons, nervous system regulation classes (yoga and meditations), journal prompts, and experiences to deepend your awareness.

Begin with my self-awareness quiz to find your roadmap. Then set your calendar for times to continue your journey.

Self Care Personal Reconnection

30 Day Self Care Challenge:

A toe dip to self care with a spicy twist, because we don’t do basic around here.

If you love challenges, plans and showing up to your calendar to dos you’ll love this series. 

It includes daily journal prompts, yoga flows, quick pep talks and optional inspired “dates” to take yourself on.

Begin with 30 days of self care


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You’re Welcome Here

About the Author

Lumalia standing near a coastline with her hair blowing in the wind

Hey, I’m Lumalia, the main voice behind Celebrate Again. I call myself a connection architect because I have a deep passion for guiding us all to fall back in love with life through states of beauty, but many of us are far from feeling at home in our own bodies, so we seek to find safety in others. 

Yikes, that’s scary, I know; I did that for three decades, too, until I returned home to myself.

I’m so excited to share with you all I’ve learned and this beautiful journey back home to what makes you absolutely stunning just because you are alive today.


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It's Time We Become Creators

Take our free self-awareness quiz to get your customized map to find where you can grow.