Photographing Josh and Megan’s marriage proposal was a bit of a dream come true for me. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do this, to be hidden in the bushes while a guy proposes to his girl. To top the cherry on top, I know Josh and Megan, and to be a part of this moment with them, to be there to capture it for them was such a blessing. I seriously experienced that crying in one eye and shooting out of the other phenomenon.
I want to share the story of what I saw, but if you are family or friends you need to ask Josh and Megan their side because it is so sweet.
Josh and I meet up at Belmar Park at 1030 that morning, just hours before he was about to propose. He had a whole idea planned out and we just needed to find a spot. Josh originally was thinking a pier but I noted that while it was lovely, from a far I wouldn’t be able to capture their faces because of the railing. So we found this little spot off the path by the water front. Josh found some dead tree branches to hang some lanterns. He had a blanket siting out with Megan’s favorite songs playing and a dozen roses.
We decided to have me set up everything for him that way no one would bother it between the next couple of hours, also to not let the flowers die completely in the summer heat.
We set up a plan to use my husband, Josh’s co-worker, as a decoy for text messaging if we needed to. It totally worked well because they were running a few minutes late. I was able to know this because Josh texted me “Tell your husband I’m sorry for running a 15 minutes late to work yesterday.” It worked out great just in case Megan saw his phone wondering why he was texting me. 😉
I arrived back at the park after running home to grab a quick bite to eat, it was about 1245. I set everything up and found my spot in the bushes. As I was keeping an eye out for them to come around to the spot where everything was set up a random lady came right up to the area and started photographing it…she stuck around a little too long so I kindly shouted over the lake for her to leave…people are ruthless. But I am so thankful they came about 10 minutes after she left so it wasn’t awkward with this stranger hanging out where everything was set up.

Once Josh and Megan arrived they sat down and talked for a while. Their interactions are so adorable. Even though in most of the pre-proposal photos Megan was squinting because of the sun in her eyes it made for some awesome reflection photos on the water.

Then Josh got up and popped the question. This was her reaction.

They then spent time dancing to Megan’s favorite song and enjoying sweet time together.

After they finished dancing and were more settled in I came around to them and we took some portraits, per Josh’s request. 😉
I LOVED photographing them right after this moment happened because they were just so blissful. I know somethings for engagement photos people can come from normal every day life where relationships aren’t always hunky-dory in that exact moment and sometimes have to act like it is when maybe that day it wasn’t. So to have been there to capture them right after this was so great!

When editing this next photo of Megan’s ring I was a little sad it didn’t look that great. But then I switched to my color treatment part of my editing and fell in LOVE with this photo in black in white. I adore how the sun caught the glimmer of her ring.I do also have to note that it was overcast and cloudy right before they arrived. But, the sun coming out turned out to be so sweet for all our photos. I just felt like the glory of God was shining down on them blessing the beginning of this journey to marriage…mmm. I adore my job and am SO thankful I got to be a part of this.