Lumalia’s debut Memoir, Blooming Upside Down, is out now!

Hiring A Food Truck For Your Wedding

I’ve only worked with Cheese Louise Food Truck once before, but it was so amazing I just had to make sure to get an interview for all you to learn more about them. If you are looking for a creative way to caterer, maybe for a park wedding or outdoor wedding in anyway this is such a great idea! The best part of hiring a food truck is you don’t waste any food. The only make what each person orders, so there is no waste.
I cannot forget to mention that Cheese Louise’s food is amazing! If you loved grilled cheese, then you’ve found your match. They have a unique menu that takes grilled cheese to an adult level but stays delicious. If you ever want to test them you can find them  serving at breweries happy hours or lunches at different business around the Boulder area.

Cheese Louise is also apart of a food truck company that has a mexican food truck called Verde Food Truck. So if you love mexican food more, then you are set! 🙂

These photos are from the wedding I photographed where Cheese Louise Catered. You can see more of their wedding here.

Wedding Vendor Interviews 3 {Cheese Louise Food Truck | Caterer } | Denver Wedding Photography


Wedding Vendor Interviews 3 {Cheese Louise Food Truck | Caterer } | Denver Wedding Photography

KC, the co-owner of Cheese Louise & Verde Food Trucks kindly answered all my questions which I hope will help you in thinking about your catering. 🙂

Can you tell me what your job title is and what that means to brides?

I am Co-Owner of Cheese Louise, and Verde Food trucks, my job is to organize and execute an extremely friendly customer service team with the best quality food available. I love to excite the bride and groom with our many options and leave them worry free on their special day.

What is one thing that separates your business from other similar businesses?

First and foremost we pride ourselves for our customer service, we are here to create an amazing experience. Also I think our products are unique, Cheese Louise has a menu of grilled cheese sandwiches that are very creative and extremely mouth watering. On Verde, Our Mexican food is extremely authentic and unlike any Mexican food I have been able to find in Colorado. We special order our tortillas 10 miles from the Mexican border, and we are all from Arizona so this food is our specialty. 

 What is your favorite part about being a co-owner of food trucks?

Honestly the excitement! I still get nervous for shifts, I see new things all the time. Running a food truck is like being on a wild cooking scavenger hunt, anything is bound to happen at anytime. I also have a passion to host, and cook for others so this job is very fitting to me. 

What is the most common mistakes most brides make in planning their wedding?

From what I have experienced, and I’m no wedding expert, people spend too much money on the things no one notices or really cares about.  I have gone to weddings with surf and turf, but it was mediocre so no one really noticed or cared. I’ve seen desert tables extremely extravagant that hardly get touched. I think the weddings that stick out to me most are the ones that were unique and created more of an experience than glamor. 

Is there one aspect of the actual wedding day that could go smoother? If so, how would you suggest changing the traditional format?

Ditch the giant flower arrangements on every dinning table and rent a photo booth!

 What’s your best advice for brides working with a tight budget?

The gathering and view of the right people is what will create a great experience, more than an expensive venue/meal/flowers ect.

 In finding a caterer, what are three things brides should look for?

customer service, reputation, experience

 If you could give one piece of advice to every bride what would that be?

Live in the moment, don’t worry, don’t stress, make it your day, and let me show you a great  unique experience. 

Any thing else you’d like to add?

Peace, Love, and Cheese

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Lumalia with her hand in her hair leans to the side smiling
Sam with her hands in her jean jacket pocket smiles at the camera with a happy welcoming face

Hey, we’re Lumalia (Emmy) and Sam, the leading voices behind Celebrate Again (Lumalia) and our sister elopement company The Dropped Pin (Sam and her husband Kyle). Here you’ll find ways to live the Celebrate Again lifestyle.

We want to help you embody life’s joy by learning to Celebrate Again in everything from practicing intentional breathing to taking on major life events. I believe your life should be full and be what you make it.

Whether you’re joining me to plan your wedding, dive deeper into your couples connection, celebrate an anniversary, adventure around the USA, stay connected to your beloved, practice yoga or whip up a plant-based recipe, I’ve got you covered, friend.


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