Sharing these wedding ideas is pretty fun for me, mostly because I get to research and plan a wedding, but not have to do all the work haha. Needless to say, I do hope these tips are helpful! Here is today’s wedding tip:
Wedding tip #2 Get A Personalized Wedding Album
After your wedding is all said and done, you’ll want to have all your photos somewhere. If you’re like most people they will get lost on your computer with all the rest of the photos you have from your phone, tablet, and camera. What better way to keep them all but in an album!? But not just any album. Albums from places like SnapFish or Shutterfly are basically you pay for what you get. These $30 albums are holding your $2000+ wedding photos, seems kinda silly, right? So give in and get a high quality album that will last you more than 2 years. Trust me, I’ve seen people with the SnapFish albums, they’ve only had it two years and the pages are already falling out. If it is cheap it’s cheaply made, unfortunately.
Most of your wedding photographers will have albums that are a high quality, but do your research, ask where they get the albums printed. I’ve been baffled before to hear that other photographers go to SnapFish and charge you $500 dollars for it. EK! Just ask for the name, and google it. If it is a professional photographer printing lab, you’re safe knowing its a high quality album.
Searching for the Light photographer offers these high quality wedding albums. But not only that, I do personalized wedding albums, meaning I design them just for you. Every place else uses templates or borrowed themes from other places. I personalize every singe wedding album to each client. No two wedding albums of mine will look the same. Just take a peak at some samples I have by clicking here. Just so you know, I get my printed through WHCC, they are a great professional photographer lab, that prints all their albums off a press. Being a girl who used to work in the printing industry I can tell you that nothing is like printing from a press, you cannot get higher quality than that. 🙂