What an amazing world-wind of a year. I cannot believe 2014 is actually coming to a close!
This has by far been one of the hardest most amazing years of my life, mostly because of becoming a mother, but in that it has been amazing to see how much God has truly provided specifically for my business in the midst of extreme sleep deprivation and some challenging physiological issues. It seemed like every single wedding this year I photographed with about 4 hours of sleep because it was always the one night my sweet girl didn’t sleep. Yet, I feel like God provided so much in what I so clearly lacked. This verse specifically comes to mind:
“For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10
Christ is my strength always even when I seriously have nothing left to offer. He’s always shown up and provided what I never though I had left. His Spirit within me is more powerful than I will ever know. I cannot begin to express my heart’s relief and joy in this truth we have in belonging to Christ.
But I must also so thank you to all my amazing clients this year, who put up with my inevitable gibberish from lack of sleep and all the silly mistakes I made, like forgetting to send photos post wedding. I am thankful for the grace of other’s during this season of my life, but also grateful that I got to be a part of so many beautiful life stories. So here is a shout out to all you who kept me going creatively, who inspired me with your stories and love. While Christ keeps me breathing, you all keep me creating.
Of course my handsome husband without whom I would be in shambles.
And of course my sweet girl that keeps me laughing every day.
Finally, thanks too to my amazing second shooters this year! Trevr Merchant, Caitlin Fairly, and Brittany Kuenne