A few weekends ago I had the great honor of being apart of the launch of Scriptive, an amazing new tool that is helping more people relate and access the Word of God.
The event was put together by Sarah from Chancey Charm Weddings who was in the Denver market last year but is not working out of Atlanta. The theme was a Hollywood reveal party which was perfectly fitting for the goals the Scriptive team has in mind. To make something huge, but something that isn’t successful for the sake of success but for the glory of God.
If I had to explain Scriptive to you, I would tell you that is a tool that uses where you are emotionally, mentally, and physically to find scripture that speaks directly into where you are today. I think the video does it the most justice. Check it out below:
Ok, no for photos from the event. 🙂
One of the main parts of the event was a wall that was “scriptive without the screen” which had envelopes of an emotion and inside verses that relate to that. This is such an amazing idea. I cannot wait to see what God does with this!
The Scriptive “crew” on the Scriptive “red-carpet” haha. Love it.
The founder, Charles Roach giving a little bit of a speech before the launch.
A time of prayer before the launch.
Go check it out now: scriptive.org
Thanks to Sarah for asking me to be apart of this!
P.s. If you want to help Scriptive out, become a recommender by recommending verses for different emotions and adjectives: https://scriptive.org/recommend