A Sunday spent downtown Denver in Union Station is always a good Sunday. The buzz of people met with a variety of fabulous merchants is delightful. When you incorporate brand photography & absolutely incredible people, my heart overflows with gladness.
Kim is radiant and there are no words to sum up her nonprofit. It was a privilege to come along side her to bring light through brand photography on a grim topic. I am encouraged to hear of people bringing redemption to their stories and tragedies by sharing with others. Kim has created material to help others through their grief & loss of sweet babies. Keep an eye on what she’s doing & you’ll be encouraged also.

Shout out to our wonderful stylist Marissa Merchant for helping create the beautiful flat lays.. You can check out her other stylist work here LEARN MORE ABOUT HIRING US FOR YOUR DENVER BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY
We’re also available as Portland Brand Photographers!